Pro Tip 1:
Not ready to bake your Balto Bites? Store them in the freezer until you're ready. Our packaging is vacuum-sealed and can stay in your freezer for 1 year. Once you open the packaging, you can refreeze any leftover treats you're not ready to bake for 3 months.
Pro Tip 2:
Balto also enjoys Balto's Bites as a cold treat, but if you want to give your dog a warm treat after baking and storing it in the fridge. Place in the microwave for 10-15 seconds, allow to cool, and then feed the warm treat to your dog.
Pro Tip 3:
You can store them on the counter, but be mindful of your home's temperature because of the lack of preservatives; they last only a short time on the counter and will start to mold.
Pro Tip 4:
If you want an extra golden treat, you can brush some egg whites on to the thawed cookie dough before baking.